Written by Denise Clark RN BCEN CLNC
All tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, are UNSAFE!
Nicotine is a harmful and very addictive substance for all ages, especially pregnant women. Nicotine has been known to cause low birth weight, premature birth, and damage to undeveloped lungs and brains. Nicotine can poison adults and children when inhaled, swallowed, or by getting vapor liquids on their skin or in their eyes.
Fumes from tobacco products, inhaled by users and people in close proximity, can contain chemicals that cause cancer. You can inhale metals, such as lead, tin, and nickel, plus many tiny particles that get trapped deep in your lungs, causing long-term damage.
Children and young teens are very susceptible to the dangers of nicotine because their brains are still developing. Their ability to learn, be attentive, and control impulses and moods are all at risk. Seizures have also been reported in younger people who use tobacco products.
E-cigarettes also can cause fires and explosions, causing serious injuries. While working in the emergency room one day, I was standing next to a visitor who suddenly started jumping up and down, yelling "OUCH!" and other words I can't print here. He had an e-cigarette in his front pant pocket that caught on fire! Luckily, he was able to put the fire out with his hand! So, yes, it is a very possible hazard!
Nicotine in e-cigarettes and other tobacco products is highly addictive. Nicotine cravings, being unable to stop using them, and requiring more and more to feel better are ALL signs of addiction. This nicotine addiction can affect every aspect of someone's life, including job performance and relationship issues.
Nicotine withdrawal occurs when someone stops using it to better themselves and their health. Symptoms that may arise include nicotine cravings, hunger, difficulty sleeping, depression, or feeling jumpy, irritable, and anxious. These symptoms go away after some time as the body adjusts to not having tobacco substances.
After removing nicotine from your system and your life, your overall health will improve, and you will feel less stressed and anxious. Your quality of life will improve, you will feel more positive, and your family will love you for it!
Assessed and Endorsed by the MedReport Medical Review Board