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The Causes of Anxiety Disorder

Writer's picture: Arohi BharambeArohi Bharambe

Updated: Feb 17

A common mental health condition is anxiety disorder. Chronic anxiety is present all around the world and can affect daily life. Though feeling anxious is natural, there are cases were it excessively disrupts individuals.


Like most conditions, anxiety can commonly run through families. If a direct family member has anxiety disorder such as a parent or grandparent, you are at a higher risk of developing it.

Personality and Coping Mechanisms:

Everyone has their own unique way of coping with high stress or uncomfortable experiences. Individuals with a personality traits that can cause them to overthink, may develop anxiety disorder. Additionally, if one finds it difficult to manage their stress or overthinking if can also contribute to the disorder.

Experiences and Stressors:

Similar to other mental health conditions, anxiety disorder can be developed through traumatic events. This can include a loved one passing, abuse, neglect, and more. These experiences can also determine how you respond to future stressors. Mainly childhood trauma can determine or trigger one's anxiety since other methods of coping are not yet developed.

Medical Causes:

Anxiety disorder can be an underlying effect of illnesses such as heart disease, chronic pain, or even medications administrated for conditions. Anxiety can also be worsened due to substance abuse as well as withdrawal from substances.


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