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Muscle Cramps


Updated: Jan 25

Muscle contraction

Have you ever woke up from a bang of pain in your calf that feels like as if someone is twisting your muscle nonstop. It is not hard to deduce that it's caused by muscle contraction, but what causes this unwanted spasm?

Although there isn't an exact reason for muscle cramps, it is believed that it is caused by the disturbance of the electrolytes and minerals in the body. These disturbances may be a result of dehydration, poor diet, and diarrhea.

Muscles fibers open their channels to take in sodium ions which triggers the release of stored calcium ions in within the cell. The organelle that stores calcium ions in a muscle cell is called the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Treatment and prevention

Muscle cramps are self-treatable, it can be appeased with message and stretches, ice packs, or, when severe, medication. Ways to prevent muscle cramps are keeping nutritious diets, drink water, and most importantly, increase physical activities.


Assessed and Endorsed by the MedReport Medical Review Board

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