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     Breast Cancer Awareness 

Maya Adam

Have you noticed people wearing pink ribbons on their shirts, hair, or on a poster in November? That's because November is breast cancer awareness month. One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime and it is one of the most common cancers affecting women today. Breast cancer awareness is important in supporting individuals affected and emphasizing the importance of early warning signs. Dealing with breast cancer is a long and hard journey, and in the US each year around 240,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Breast cancer is a disease where breast cells become mutated and cancerous. These cancerous cells reproduce and multiply, which form tumors in the breast. There are many types of breast cancers; the most common is invasive ductal carcinoma. This cancer starts in the milk ducts and spreads to surrounding tissues. Some signs of breast cancer are very clear, while others are less noticeable. Very common signs are a lump in the breast tissue, a change in the skin, a change in breast size, and nipple discharge. Although most women affected with breast cancer are over the age of 50, these signs can still occur in younger women. Having a family history of breast cancer can also affect one's risk of developing it in the future. Although other factors like smoking, drinking, obesity, radiation exposure, and people who use HRT have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

`Breast cancer occurs in four stages. In stage one, the cancer cells spread to breast cells; in stage 2, the spreading is more and tumor size is growing; in stage 3, lymph nodes and tumors are growing; and in stage 4, lymph nodes/tumors have grown larger, and the cancer has now affected other organs like the brain, liver, and lungs. For women diagnosed with breast cancer, there are many different treatments for them to undergo. A very common treatment is conserving breast surgery. In this type of treatment, the lump is removed and the breast is saved. Another treatment type is a mastectomy; this is where the entire breast is removed. After a mastectomy, many women will choose to have breast reconstruction surgery. This would mean surgery to restore how the breast previously looked. Other forms of healthcare, such as additional therapy and mamosites, also help women affected by breast cancer. Many different types of doctors are involved in treating patients with breast cancer, such as oncologists (medical, surgical, and radiation), breast surgeons, and plastic surgeons. Other medical specialists may be involved, such as physician assistants, physicists, nurse practitioners, and nutritionists.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is so important because noticing the signs early makes the disease more treatable. Women with these diseases need so much support. So when November comes around, don't be shy and put on a pink ribbon.

Works Cited

American Cancer Society. “Breast Cancer Treatment | Treatment Options for Breast Cancer.”, 2023,

“Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The Importance of Early Detection and Support.” 307th Bomb Wing, 7 Oct. 2024, Accessed 2 Nov. 2024.

Cleveland Clinic. “Breast Cancer: Causes, Stage, Diagnosis & Treatment.” Cleveland Clinic, 25 Sept. 2023,

mscsupport. “Treating Your Breast Cancer – the Statesir Cancer Center at CentraState.” CentraState Healthcare System, 14 June 2024, Accessed 2 Nov. 2024. Assessed and Endorsed by the MedReport Medical Review Board

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